We are dedicated to helping our customers feel confident in caring for their pool or spa. We offer water testing and troubleshooting as well as unlimited education years down the road.
Correct water chemistry is crucial to ensure the longevity of your pool or spa’s equipment and surface. Swimmers’ safety and comfort greatly depends on balanced water as well. Feel free to call us with any questions, but for an exact measurement of chemical requirements bring in a small amount (8-16 oz) of water and we will test it for you!
For best results bring your water sample in a clean plastic container or bag.
Be mindful of what may have been in the container previously-NO pickle jars please!
Avoid dipping from the surface of the water as well- elbow deep or below is best.
Our services are free to our customers who purchase chemicals from us.

We strive to offer our customers the best of the best in pool and spa chemicals. That is why we carry BioGuard, including SoftSwim and SpaGuard products. Their priority is to make your pool or spa the most enjoyable and trouble-free experience that you and your family will ever have.

Decide on a Sanitizer:
- Bromine Concentrate
- Bromine Tabs
- Chlorine Concentrate
- Chlorine Tabs
- Leisure Time Free (non-chlorine/bromine) system
Weekly Spa Care:
- Test your sanitizer level. Ideal Ranges:
- Chlorine: 1-3 ppm
- Bromine tabs: 2-4 ppm
- Bromine Concentrate: 3-6 ppm
- Test the pH. Ideal range is 7.4-7.6
- Test total Alkalinity. Acceptable range is 100-150 ppm
- Add an enzyme and Stain and Scale control for optimal water balance and clarity (Read bottle for dosage).
Monthly Spa Care:
- Test Calcium hardness. Ideal range is 100-200 ppm
- Chemically clean and rinse your filter with a filter cleaner
As Needed:
- Drain, clean, polish and refill your spa based on its usage (Ideally every 4-6 months)
- Use a Jet Clean product to ensure all dirt, grease and deposit build up is released within the plumbing
- Optional: Use a water softener system such as BioGuard Trio
Soft Soak – Trio
This simple water system acts as a clarifier and water softener with no measuring!
Caring for Your Spa
Caring for Your Pool
Opening and Balancing Your Pool for Summer!